Since 2009 we sale second hand tannery machines and every of equipment for tannery. Also we often have compressor, boilers, generators and other staff for tannery. Another important part of our job is working as broker for companies all over the world: In this case we are asked by other companies to find a customer for their goods, and we only take a small provision over the concluded deal. This can be a large stock of hides or industrial machinery which are still situated in the country of origin. If you have to sell something of used tannery machines or leather equipments, contact us and perhaps we can find a interested client for you.

Don’t compare ! You lose just time. We are number one for second hand tannery machines in the world. Nobody can give you our price/quality.

  • First, because the factory is situated in the most big town in the world of leathers, there are 300 tannery around me.
  • Second, we are light company we buy direct from liquidator or from tribunal tannery that are closing.
  • Third, we have passport full of stamp of experience around the world to assembled used tannery machines, because when we were young we were a freelance technician for many company in Italy that production new tannery machines. Always around the world.
  • Fourth, we are already been owner of tannery in Africa, we have construction it from zero, and believe, we were born poor, mean we know the best way for to make a tannery with the minimum money and investment, because we know the second hand tannery machines that we can send working condition because easy to repair and the others that is better to buy fully reconditioned.
  • Fifth, in Italy big company with many work want to make reconditioned of all used tannery machines inside with her worker and believe to know well all type of used tannery machines of different brands is impossible and some time the jobs is not well done. Our company send to reconditioned vacuum to the company specialized on vacuum, splitting to the company specialized for splitting…etc

Specialized in second hand tannery machines and leather equipments.

We have the machines you need. And if not, we can find it for you.

Tannery Trade for the best used tannery machines

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